[I've never spent an hour isolated in a cage nor a minute under the impression this life was OVER but - even so - there have been many times when I'd much rather have 'been somewhere else' which leads me to : SUMER : and the sands of Mesopotamia themselves now that we've managed to crystallize the sand where once our origins were written and scratched them in clay long lost and forgotten : BUT NOT TODAY there's a heritage of plunder we've never managed to destroy and there are thousands of US crawling those sands right now at the ready with bombs and guns and porno-moustaches and all the rest just slicing through time despoiling the wastes we've left behind - plunder savagry rape murder slaughter and all the rest - and it can ALL be defended if you wish to defend it or you can argue all day and try to relent of it but NO MATTER Jester it ain't saving your life ! because Paradise right here is now paved with the deadly macadam of terror and strife and there's no way around that (as ANYONE can see) first I bomb YOU...then you bomb ME!].
Former radio reporter found guilty of child sex abuse
A former local radio reporter has been found guilty of child sex abuse. Chris Lehman will be sentenced next month, and he could face at least ten years in prison.
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