I really want to get this going....

Each day's listing is an excerpted edit from my work. These are numbered and sub-headed for ease of read and isolation from full body of continued text. Each small excerpt is a single-themed piece culled from a much larger whole. Please follow the heading numbers down to #1, or click on 'archive'. The highest numbers are most recently posted, obviously. If so interested, for follow-up, you may contact via e-mail shown - perhaps for discussion or annotation needed.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005



"You're never going to know you're not gonna' know and because of that everyone practically always tries to figure out their destiny or their reason for being here and all the rest of that type of stuff and maybe there are entire philosophies built around this or that idea of being but in the end it's all no matter because every answer by the search itself eludes an answer and any conclusion would be anti-climactic anyway because you still have to go on living - and if you believe in miracles then go ahead and do so or if on the other hand you want for and wish for nothing then OK too - be the stay-at-home recluse you've always wanted to be - in the total end IT'S ALL FOR NOTHING."


At 7:10 PM, Blogger Susan Grandys said...

Heh-heh! Or maybe its "all for everything!" This piece was accessible to even me, who has some trouble with the denser writing style. I liked it.

I've come to a similar conclusion of "do whatever the heck you like with life - the path you take doesn't matter". But I like to think of it in a more positive light - that the search is the purpose or meaning. It's all about how you do it and what you learn. Personally I still hope it is for something - I think of our stint here as pre-school for something bigger. But what do I know? I could be wrong too....


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